Castletown House is currently closed.

The Courtyard café is closed for the foreseeable future.
The opening hours of Castletown Estate have been reduced due to ongoing issues.
The current opening hours of the parklands are 08:30 to 17:30

Welcome to Castletown House

When it was built in the 1720s, Castletown set a radical precedent and it is an extraordinary part of our cultural inheritance. Now, as the OPW breathes contemporary life into Ireland’s earliest and finest Palladian house, it is trailblazing once more. We hope you enjoy your visit.

To contact us, email

Drones are NOT permitted on the estate without prior permission.


The café is closed for the forseeable future.

Information on Castletown House and Estate



Please click here for our calendar of events.

Group/School Bookings

For group / school bookings (more than 8 people), please e-mail

Code of Conduct

Please download the Code of Conduct for Dog Owners (PDF)

Guidelines for suitable food for the ducks in our pond can be found here.


The Castletown Blog

Stay up to date, and enjoy glimpses from behind the scenes at Castletown! Below are the latest entries. Click here for the archive.

Lady Louisa’s Legacy

Lady Louisa’s Legacy

When the newly married Lady Louisa took charge of the Castletown landscape in 1759, at the tender age of sixteen, she took over the care of a landscape which had a history going back longer than historical records did. Lady Louisa probably wasn’t aware of the Bronze...

Bicentenary of the death of Lady Louisa Conolly (1743-1821)

Bicentenary of the death of Lady Louisa Conolly (1743-1821)

‘No words can describe the affliction of this house.’ At six o’clock on the morning of 2nd August 1821 Lady Louisa Conolly took her last breath at Castletown, the home she had shaped and loved for over sixty years. Throughout the previous eight weeks her family had...

Movie Magic Part 2

Movie Magic Part 2

Movie Magic at Castletown (Act 2) The second instalment of the Movies at Castletown blog starts in the 1980’s. Castletown obviously lends itself to period drama, but there is also a WWII film with Lee Marvin and a 1980’s comedy with Robbie Coltrane and Dan Aykroyd. We...